My experiences on the forthcoming CH4 reality/quiz show. A group of strangers on an R.V touring Scotland as a T.V Quiz team. 'Quiz Trippers' starts 11/7 on CH4 and my success beyond.
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Filming 2012.........
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Medically Enhances
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Opportunity Comes Knocking
Must be the de oderant -fab though!!
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Exciting NEW Production for UK and US!
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Pride of Britain Awards
My vote tonight went to the father who lost his son alongside to other young men who were killed during the riots. Despite his grief he just wanted the rioting to stop.............................
Next time I feel a grumble or a moan coming on I'm going to remember him and his desire for peace. What a courageous man.
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Spotlight Link - Audrey Clark
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Spotlight Link - Audrey Clark: Hi All I include my spotlight link for those needing my services. My pin number for viewing is 441356472309
Spotlight Link - Audrey Clark
Monday, 3 October 2011
The Costs of Joining Casting Websites
I frequently receive emails with offers to entice me in. The fact is being pro active and searching for work should be a complimetary partnership to that of your agent.
Often for me it has paid off in work. Basically it's about doing everything you can as an indivdual to enable opportunities and get seen.
I will always consider an opportunity. Sometimes the lesser ones lead to a bigger carrot. Those who sit and wait for the telephone to ring wait an awful long time..........................
Friday, 30 September 2011
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Workshops with a respected agent tomorrow
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Workshops with a respected agent tomorrow: Well, tomorrow I'm off to do some workshops with a respected agent locally. It's good to keep your hand in and at the same time keep up to d...
Workshops with a respected agent tomorrow
Last time i had that done i got 'alcoholic mother on a council estate' not bad for someone with the most alcohol deprived liver in the business!
SO, if any directors sould be looking for.....'an alcoholic mother on a council estate' you know were I am!
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Labour T.V Ad Last Night
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Labour T.V Ad Last Night: matter my political affiliation I kind of liked the Labour T.V ad and the use of respected actors -in particular James Purefoy who...
Labour T.V Ad Last Night
A successful actor I knew always talked of the absolute need for believability as an actor. As an audience we need to believe the actor IS that character. That William Travers or whoever is real and is the person he portrays. Achieving that believability is no mean feat as we've all seen wooden actors.
No, if the aim was to get my attention it certainly did that.....................................
Advertising on T.V needs to be clever enough or /and subtle enough to gain and more importantly hold our attention
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Resting Actor Mentor Call!!
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Resting Actor Mentor Call!!: Are you a successful actor in between jobs. Got some time to mentor? Then read on... I figure everyone needs a mentor. I've done lots but...
Resting Actor Mentor Call!!
Saturday, 17 September 2011
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: The Audition Trail Continues..............
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: The Audition Trail Continues..............: They do say auditions are like buses. Nothing happens then two come along. Well, went today to Liverpool for a sitcom pilot audition. I'd ...
The Audition Trail Continues..............
I've had an email asking me to audition for film next year to premiere in Manchester -not till April (the audition) a record in terms of notice!! Interestingly both are comedies......hmm
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: U.K Reality Shows versus U.S Reality Shows
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: U.K Reality Shows versus U.S Reality Shows: Was contemplating the U.K v the U.S reality market. What makes U.K participants so different from our U.S counterparts? There's a common m...
U.K Reality Shows versus U.S Reality Shows
I read the audition posts for U.S shows and I've read more than once that you need to show you stand out from the rest. Does that mean you over exaggerate your personality traits to get the job. Are you actually being yourself or is too tempting to be someone you are not to be cast?
Would you be someone you are not to get onto to one of these shows?....
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Guest Speaker Services
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Guest Speaker Services: Hi, I am now offering my services as a guest speaker. I've appeared on reality shows, documentaries including the BBC Politics Show, quiz...
Guest Speaker Services
I am now offering my services as a guest speaker. I've appeared on reality shows, documentaries including the BBC Politics Show, quiz shows AND been an agent.
I know what T.V companies are looking for when casting providing a valuable insight to those wanting to be on T.V.
My appearances will be enlightening, refreshingly honest and sprinkled with humour.
If you are interested in hiring me as a guest speaker please email me with your brief and contact details.
Thank you.
Monday, 29 August 2011
Hot from the U.S 'Rent A Friend'
I guess if you are new to an area and want to make friends it's an option as long as you know the person is operating a business friendship. Other options of course include joining a group and meeting friends that way. AmDram, sports etc.
For the business savvy it's an option for an income stream but I question those that are lonely and vulnerable hiring a friend..........................
What do you think?
Thursday, 25 August 2011
HOUSELADDER -Sell and buy with the best: HOUSELADDER -Sell and buy with the best: http://ww...
HOUSELADDER -Sell and buy with the best: HOUSELADDER -Sell and buy with the best: http://ww...: HOUSELADDER -Sell and buy with the best: : I'm on board with the best and most efficient on...
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Calling American Agents!!!
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Calling American Agents!!!: Hi! I would be interested in collaborations with U.S agents whether in an agent capacity or otherwise. Perhaps you have opinions on the U....
Calling American Agents!!!
I would like to form links with the U.S so if you have questions for me fire away!!!
Sunday, 21 August 2011
HOUSELADDER -Sell and buy with the best:
HOUSELADDER -Sell and buy with the best: I'm on board with the best and most efficient online HOUSE LADDER. Sell or buy a property with confidence. Are you an agent? Individual? Pe...
HOUSELADDER -Sell and buy with the best: HOUSELADDER -Sell and buy with the best: http://ww...
HOUSELADDER -Sell and buy with the best: HOUSELADDER -Sell and buy with the best: http://ww...: HOUSELADDER -Sell and buy with the best: : I'm on board with the best and most efficient on...
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Babes in Hollywood
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Babes in Hollywood: Was thinking about the kids and the parents pushing/ assisting their child's dreams of a part in a Hollywood pilot. This programme was on a...
Babes in Hollywood
These parents are still paying for their three month stint months and in some cases years later. $5000 plus classes/photographs etc is not uncommon. Parents are separated and the pressure on the kids can be immense.
As an agent I've seen both supportive and unsupportive parents looking for that break for their child here. I believe there is a greater realistic expectation in parents here but not by much. Parading a U.S five or six year old coupled with the parents transference of desperation to the child can be just too much to bear resulting in mixed up children and teens later.
Guide don't lead. Gently usher the child in Their direction and not yours................
Friday, 19 August 2011
House Ladder -Be an Affiliate to earn a HUGE income!!
Houseladder -the ONLY way to sell your property!
BB CH5 and the new 'Only way is Essex'
For those that don't know the makers of 'The Only Way is Essex' are looking to create a Liverpool model. I guess even more colourful characters and quirkiness to come but that is what T.V is about. Colour, quirkiness and conflict :).
I auditioned for BB a couple of years ago getting through a couple of rounds including a mock up of the Diary room which is really quite surreal!
My belief is if you want something, if you want to try out then DO IT! Take your courage in both hands and launch forward. Have a great weekend all X
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: BB CH5 and the new 'Only way is Essex'
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: BB CH5 and the new 'Only way is Essex': Hi! Summer break over and time to roll my sleeves up, put my finger back on the pulse and off we go. I watched last night's launch with i...
<A href=""><IMG src="" border="1" height="60" width="120" alt="Sell or let your house privately"></A>
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: A documentary on the power of editing?
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: A documentary on the power of editing?: "My experiences on 'Quiz Trippers' has highlighted the absolute power of the editor and the absolute lack of power for the person/people bei..."
A documentary on the power of editing?
The editor has an absolute responsibility to those involved to portray reality participants in a fair, representative and just manner as those in newspapers.
Has T.V become a back door for saying and doing what you want through the medium of visuals?
An editor is the magician. Through visuals they hold the magic wand creating a whole range of impressions and images for the viewer, some fair, some otherwise.
I would like to see a documentary on editing and how it can affect those involved for the the good and otherwise AND for those taking part in reality type shows to see their involvement before it is shown. Forewarned is forearmed and if appropriate say 'no' to it being transmitted.
Saturday, 16 July 2011
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Quiz Trippers -The People of Scotland
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Quiz Trippers -The People of Scotland: "On the plus side I would like to thank the people of Scotland for their welcome(s). and in particular Jim on night one, the students in Dun..."
Quiz Trippers -The People of Scotland
Scotland has the most spectacular scenery -sadly didn't see Nessie but hey another time maybe. Once again, thank you.
Friday, 15 July 2011
Quiz Trippers: My Verdict - If you want it
When chosen I thought I was lucky. I'm not so green. I did know that any friction would be filmed -I was told as much but my god, the editing sword was pretty vicious (to some anyway).
Before transmission I asked how do We/I look. The reply came back and I quote
'' You look like five strangers on a trip''
Little did I know that we'd be used for cheap shots and to be made a mockery of. Well, certainly three of us were.
At no point were we warned about the editing slant and the incessant editing slant at that.
For the record: We received NO PAY (See comment below). Lost a week of our earnings and I seriously now question the team (TV Crew and Television Centre Team) who I considered to be our friends. Now I realise why they might have been.
So much footage was available 24/7's worth but individuals who weren't even on the trip edited us apart from episode 1 which was o.k to be fair.
I'm left feeling like a fairground freak.
My questions are:
'What was the aim of this show?' More importantly 'What were the objectives?' and at what cost to those involved who let's not forget have a life to go back to?
None of us were thick dimwits. All had to score a reasonable number of questions correctly in audition but the voice over/editing gave you an impression otherwise.
I'm all for leg pulling and yes there was clearly friction but there were lots of laughs too. Channel 4 said this was a show with humour in it -where?
I've read unpleasant, personal comments about myself and others on the trip presumably to make themselves look important when they've had nothing to do with the project. I guess you know who you are.
I feel let down by those responsible for producing the show.
My advice: Don't audition for a second series if there is one unless you are up for a character assassination.
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Quiz Trippers: My Verdict - If you want it
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Quiz Trippers: My Verdict - If you want it: "This project was billed as a road trip with four strangers taking part in nightly quizzes. We were all pre filmed in our everyday lives whe..."
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Quiz Trippers: Edinburgh Tonight
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Quiz Trippers: Edinburgh Tonight: "Edinburgh quiz tonight. I SO wanted to take a look around this beautiful city but due to roadworks and need to get to our base before the qu..."
Quiz Trippers: Edinburgh Tonight
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Quiz Trippers: Karaoke in Dundee
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Quiz Trippers: Karaoke in Dundee: "Tonight, some much needed respite at the end of our quiz in Dundee with our fun loving student friends who were very welcoming. I was aske..."
Quiz Trippers: Karaoke in Dundee
I was asked by producers to take part in the karaoke and being the fun person I am (really) me and Jen did.
It was a much needed respite from some of the challenges you've seen. Westlife 'Uptown Girl' aided by the sips of Cheeky Vimto bought for us after the pub quiz. I even managed to give a couple of psychic reads too.
I sincerely hope you see more of the fun in the days to come xx
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Quiz Trippers: The Power of Editing!
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Quiz Trippers: The Power of Editing!: "O.K. I knew what potentially was coming but it's amusing how editing labels you combined with the slant of the v/o. Footage 24/7 captured i..."
Quiz Trippers: The Power of Editing!
A bit like a pantomime. The good guys and the bad guys and and at times an irritating voice over. Dave Lamb he ain't!
I sincerely hope you get to see the funny bits too xxx
Monday, 11 July 2011
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Episode 1 Quiz Trippers 4oD
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: Episode 1 Quiz Trippers 4oD: "Well, Ep 1 in the bag. Could you answer the questions. How many did you get? I've giggled at comments about how 'badly' we did perhaps now ..."
Episode 1 Quiz Trippers 4oD
Quiz Trippers: Tonight's the Night!
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: T.V Times..T.V Choice Feature 'Quiz Trippers'
Who REALLY wants to be on T.V?: T.V Times..T.V Choice Feature 'Quiz Trippers': "T.V Times T.V Choice and others with features for coming week on Quiz Trippers. Picture taken by STV shows me and Jen wearing the same vibr..."
T.V Times..T.V Choice Feature 'Quiz Trippers'
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